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  3. A system of Checks and Balances is the hallmark of American democracy. Between the judiciary, the executive and the legislative branch — theoretically, at least — the American people are supposed to get a fair system of government. So, in essence, those who reject such checks and balances in regard to the power structure in the Middle East are rejecting one of the cornerstones of American democracy.

  4. si pues hay gente que todavia cree en algunos metodos como los que mencionas… la otra vez me encontre con un xploit que rechazaba las contraseñas incorrectas.. Realmente me quede admirado de lo tan avanzado que estan… yo hace tiempo no entro al msn y si alguna vez lo use los programas no eran tan buenos como los que veo ahora… Realmente uno tiene que ser cautelozo al momento de escribir las contraseñas (digo las por que creo que varios tenemos muchas cuentas en idferentes sitios web)

  5. Epic fail. To the other extreme, another smartphone maker, Nokia, took a serious misstep recently when announcing the release of its Lumia 820 and 920 phones, with the most exciting feature being the PureView Camera Technology intended to separate both smartphones from all other competition. Unfortunately, it turned out that neither a promotional video or still images used in the advertising materials were actually shot with the new phones! The PR Verdict

  6. I also agree with Mike and Reality Check, especially Mike’s thought on a few resumes customized to different types of positions you are interested in. And, that employers have their choice of candidates. I appreciate Mark’s comments. However, the reality for the unemployed is that a person can’t customize resumes for all of the jobs you are seriously interested. For the long-term unemployed, the process is increasingly frustrating and the countless number of unanswered responses from HR areas. My hope is dwindling.

  7. Ciao Giulia, sono passata a trovarti, anche se già lo facevo saltuariamente!! Per un attimo ho pensato i trattasse dell’agua ardiente che avevo bevuto in Colombia e che rinfrescante non è affatto!!! Sicuramente la proverò, se non altro per togliere di mezzo dei cetrioli che mi guardano sconsolati ogni volta che apro il frigo e che mangia solo mio marito!!! Ciao ciao, alla prossima!!

  8. Здравствуйте, Ольга.Возможность еще есть. Курсы у нас будут начинаться в первых числах апреля. Просьба выслать нам свое резюме и мы вышлем Вам наше задание.

  9. Jag undrar om inte vi övertolkar lite här. Det står ingenstans att presenter förväntas, och går man ut och äter, vilket är fullt okej, så behöver man ju inte ta med sig en present. Man kan säga Grattis! och så räcker det så.Sen behöver man ju såklart aldrig lämna en anledning till att man inte kommer.

  10. Såå koselig, godt du slo til!! Når været er som nå, må man bare nyte det og en cava på en onsdag må være toppers! Her har det vært en arbeidsdag uten like med mye bæring, maling etc..sovner tidlig i kveld, kjenner jeg;) Takk for hyggelige kommentarer, såå trivelig! Vi nyter ferien til lørdag, da er det hjem til ripstrær og ripsgeleproduksjon.. Ha en fin kveld og klem fra meg!

  11. Has anyone checked the yahoo headlines? Several Border Patrol agents are being investigated for corruption ranging from drug to illegal alien smuggling. One agent was believed to be charging $1,500 per head and makes at least $60k per shift. Men – that’s a lot of money. No wonder we’re having 12 million illegals now.

  12. Richard Fennell’s TFS Build Status Monitor lets users keep tabs on their Team Foundation Server and create and edit work items while on the road. Judges loved the practicality of the app and said it showed creative thought about what would deliver the most value in the mobile environment. Read our interview with Richard and the team from Black Marble.

  13. Onhan tämä nyt kyllä niin että kristillisen sukupuolimoraalin kannalta katsottuna pelko siitä kumpaa sukupuolta kumppani on, voi hyvinkin aiheellinen. Eihän sitä koskaan tiedä varmasti ennenkuin vasta aviovuoteessa. Esiaviolliset sukupuolisuhteethan ovat suuri synti(tm) ja kuinkas sitä nyt harras kristitty tunnistaisi toista sukupuolta olevan muuten kuin lakitekstistä.

  14. Thank you for writing this. That horrible day is all to real for me. If I had still been working I would have been walking beneath the towers when the 1st plane hit. Our little town of 11,000 lost 11 people that day. And to remember the few who I knew who lost their lives that day, working in the towers. That horrible day was so unreal, I watched the tv and couldn’t stop crying, the tears still come to my eyes when I think of September 11.

  15. great consistent music from the bros of course, but I have to say putting the chubby guy running around in tiny underpants in that shoefly pie video was a serious lapse of reasoning. horrible imagery. please turn it off! what were they thinking?

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  17. fracky(25 paź 09:58) Acha jeszcze dodam, że jeżeli ta dziura pozostanie, to ma peÅ‚ny zakres możliwoÅ›ci do swojego flagowego przedsiÄ™wziÄ™cia czyli GP Londynu. Podobno nie żartowaÅ‚ i chciaÅ‚ wyÅ‚ożyć cash na organizacjÄ™ – droga wolna. Jest też wÅ‚aÅ›cicielem Paul Ricard wiÄ™c mamy także drugie potencjalne miejsce do Å›ciagania siÄ™ w kalendarzu. Niech zobaczy jak to jest – po drugiej stronie barykady.

  18. Deliberately mis-scheduling an herb to increase criminal penalties is a crime in itself. Why doesn’t anybody examine WHY cannabis is illegal in the first place? Not based on ANY scientific data, but based on the funding of DuPont, and Hearst because of it’s superiority to their inferior products, and profit margins, not science.

  19. You know what’s really funny? I’ve interacted with Chuck on these blogs dating back to the SF Gate at least a good five, maybe six years now. And he still puts up and tolerates with all my horseshit. I do appreciate it. Chuck either has a heart of gold, or the mind of a gold brick. I’ll give him the benefit of doubt. If I ever had the distinct pleasure after all these years of meeting Mr. Charlie Bay in person, you know the first thing I’d ask him…”Chuck, did we sign Peyton Manning yet?”

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  21. My question would be does BHO poll equally with folks who identify themselves as Europeans as he does with people who identify themselves as Germans, or Brits or French.He does portray himself as a world citizen more than he does being from the USA. That is starting to bite him in the ass here.Gerry

  22. Que de años sin ver eso, recuerdo de chamo aquellas amanecidas en los Caracas jugando en familia con esos palitos chinos. Sera que existen todavía?:neutral:Algo parecido era aquel juego que caia en las piñatas el que se llama Jakie, con la pelota y unas X de plastico que venia en una bolsita.:mrgreen:

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  26. This Bill Ayers lookalike better get cracking at raising and spending the millions more needed to keep the sinking KNS (Kenyan Naval Steamship) Obama afloat so that the birthers can have a reason to riddle it with a few more torpedoes.

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  30. Nu sunt de acord cu modul in care prezentati situatia.daca ar fi cutremur v ati plange ca nu tine cineva pamantul. cateodata e peste puterile lor si prin simplul fapt ca nu isi permit sa contracteze suficiente utilaje . eu personal am vazut ca se incearca.problema este si a oamenilor care nu isi muta masinile cu zilele ca in poza de mai sus, si utilajele sa fie clar ca nu au cum sa intre intre masini.

  31. How useful is, “This is part of God’s plan,” when you are counseling people that have been through terrible things? How uplifting would Dick Mourdock find that line had he had to go through what Joe Biden went through? He would probably (justifiably) punch that person in the face. He speaks of what he does not understand.

  32. #23 – Actually, what I’ve been seeing is “reintermediation”, if that could possibly be a word. Users are finding they don’t have time to sift and organize all the information themselves, and so there are more and more sites out there which combine information and present it in a more usable format. For example, using Kayak means you don’t have to go to a lot of separate travel sites. Or blogs like this one, which cater to readers with particular ways of thinking. Humans like patterns and organizing things – no reason why that shouldn’t be true for the internet.

  33. Gillian, love your heart and passion for this. We encourage you to dream big, but set realistic expectations (small goals) along the way. Be in prayer for wisdom as you discern what the expectations should be. Gather friends and have them read the books that have been inspiring you… make sure they understand why you are passionate and help them to be passionate too. Once others around you have the same vision, a movement can be started. Hope that helps! We’ll pray for you today. -Jonathan, WV staff

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