
  1. , but nothing obvious or distracting. I wish the mount had a little more movement, but you can make it do what you want for the most part. The 3.6mm lens gives a nice wide view, even at close distances, excellent for an entry, which is what I’m using this one for. So far it’s been a good camera that I would recommend, and will personally be buying at least a couple more of.

  2. My aunt is one of the ladies you've photographed, and I get a kick out of seeing her like this. She's too proud to say anything (and I think she'd kill me for asking), but I know she'd love to have her name out there. I was wondering if you could include the names of these ladies in there somewhere, so that they get the recognition they richly deserve. Whatever you decide, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!

  3. Congratulations on having one of the most sophisticated blogs Ive come across in some time! Its just incredible how much you can take away from something simply because of how visually beautiful it is. Youve put together a great blog space –great graphics, videos, layout. This is definitely a must-see blog!

  4. Hola a todos! Gracias por la receta… Les cuento que ya hice la masa y la tengo en la nevera, mañana sabre que tal me ha ido en la incursión… ojala me haya ido bien . Hare unos cupcakes y los cubrire con el fondant(en caso de que este haya quedado bien). En terminos generales me ha parecido muy sencilla, aunque ahora que leo los comentarios es cuando me doy cuenta que debi leer la bolsa de las nubes que he comprado para fijarme si contenian gluten o no =(

  5. , the page design has a lot to do with fact, to stay or not to stay; to read that is. Reading your blogs give me the impression that you are very much connected with the Universe. I guess that is why I enjoy your blogs. Your insight gives me the feeling that I should hitch a ride, and listen to others. So, I think I will do that, just to hear some others perspectives. I would love to know your web page designer! Keep up the good work and maybe someday, I will get the courage to blog.JLem

  6. I was in the same boat and finally just started to pray for my wife to have an awakening. You might also try getting the books by Dr. Laura Schlessenger, “The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands” and “The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage”. My wife read them and things started to improve, but I continued to pray. After about another year or so, God’s hand was allowed to move in our marriage. It all takes time and diligence. Hang in there.

  7. Infine, un rapido commento al commento 234: Il Dio dei cristiani si preoccupa con tenerezza della sorte dell’uomo fino a condividerla anche negli aspetti dolorosi, e poi prospetta un destino di senso e felicità.Di senso e felicitá se fai quello che dice lui, sennó bruci per l’eternitá. Alla faccia del libero arbitrio. E tenerezza, tranne quando gli girano le balle e annega tutti, o fa ammazzare donne e bambini.p.s., prima del mio commento delle 16.37 ce ne sono altri due in coda di moderazione (suppongo)

  8. Adanero, por lo que he podido leer y escuchar, la basura no ha sido trasladada a otro vertedero, sino que se ha enterrado debajo del parque cultural/ferial donde estaba el antiguo vertedero de forma hermética y ordenada. Hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario, no parece una mala solución… al menos no han cargado con el peso de esa basura a otras zonas.Rafa, escuché la noticia ayer en la radio y me pareció estupendo. Genial la iniciativa y mejor aún la praxis. Disfrutad de ello.Saludos.